Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Forgive Me if I Blow My own Horn for a Second

Your humble scribe was enrolled in the Pro Bono honor roll for 2008 by the Connecticut Bar Association. I try hard to give back to the community by accepting cases on behalf of the indigent whom I then represent without cost.

This is an expensive country to live in, and legal services are an exceptionally expensive commodity. I am happy I have been lucky enough to make enough money to support my family and pay my bills and still help out those less fortunate by providing them with no cost legal services.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Independent Contractors

In the case of Rodriguez vs Ed Construction the Compensation Review Board takes up another independent contractor vs. employee case.

I have seen a number of similar fact patterns come through my door in recent years and am concerned that the CRB takes an unusually narrow view of who is and who is not an employee. I worry that I am settling these cases too low because when I speak with my colleagues who are labor lawyers, they seem to be far more fearful of worker's being categorized as employees than our CRB is. This is a troublesome issue. I firmly believe Connecticut workers need adequate protection and I think this whole "independent contractor" business has been expanded too far.

I think it is time another appeal from the CRB is taken.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saying A Little Prayer for the President of red Sox Nation

Get well soon, Rem Dawg